My Goals
- Take at least one picture every day
- Improve my photographoc abilities
- Try new photographic ideas
I hope to take a picture every day. I don't know yet whether I'll post each day, but I'll do so when time permits. The taking of the picture is only the first step. Getting the image from the camera to the computer, post-editing it if necessary, and blogging about it, all take time. Some images will come from my iPhone, some from my camera. Some days I'll take multiple shots and simply will not be able to choose just one, so you might see multiple pictures on a particular day.
I hope you'll follow along. I would welcome your comments, including your critiques. If you do want to follow along there is a simple "subscribe" process on the right of this post. If you have a preferred blog reader just use the RSS feed. If you prefer to get an email when I post, subscribe with the email subscription box. You can also "join" the site with Google Friend Connect. It's always nice to see followers, so I hope you will consider it.
Okay, enough with the administrative mumbo-jumbo. I promise not to bother you with this type of stuff again.
Una and the Cat
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