Saturday, February 2, 2013


The metal recycling ship is back in port. Thought we'd stop to see the operation. 

The ship obviously has four cranes, each with a large claw. To the left out of the picture is a nearly football field size pile of scrap metal. The large yellow truck in the foreground gets loaded, drives down the pier, dumps the load, and returns for more. The piles on the pier are loaded onto the ship by those four large cranes. I had photos of the claws open and also full, but I liked this photo best because of the cranes all being aligned.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Old Stone Bank

For the past two days you've seen this building from a couple of different angles. Today I thought I'd show it to you straight on It's a beautiful building. Unfortunately, it's empty, and has been for years. The building was built in 1854 and was last used in 1993.

I was fortunate once to get to peek inside. (a film company had rented the building to serve as the commissary while they filmed in the area.) The doomed roof sits right over a circular teller area for the bank. It a sight to see.

More info, but not completely up to date as Brown University no longer owns the building, can be found at: